
slow down.

- forging past conformity - an entry numero uno.

there isn't really any way that is the best way to start this, to start over, to really begin.
instead of creating a new locale (more e-mail addresses, passwords, accounts to remember), i've decided to set up shop here. this is home.

september -- mercury retrograde -- changes.

yep, once again i find myself
h e r e. a little closer to t h e r e, and definitely further from b e f o r e.
elaborating in any sort of way has always been done in masked sentences, as if there was something (maybe, yes, there was) to hide.

i have just finished designing an entire course for myself. seriously. is that possible? everything from projects, to grades, to what i'm going to do was in my hands. as the struggle of
degree or not to degree continues, i'm definitely resorting to the approach of those i admire most. for lack of a better (if any) name, the elizabeth/denni approach. genuine happiness is flowing. my heart feels good. and most importantly, this path of self discovery continues.

oh world (energy, universe, good vibes), you're crazy about me -- i knew it! and i'd like to say, i'm pretty fond of you also.

warm skies, and even warmer hearts,

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